Emergency Contraception – Willow Clinic

Emergency Contraception

If you have had unprotected sex, for example if you didn’t use a condom, or the condom broke, or you forgot to take your other birth control, or other similar scenario, there are emergency birth control options available which may help to prevent a pregnancy.

For an appointment for an EMERGENCY IUD call us at 604-709-5611. Please clearly tell us the reason for your call so that we can prioritize your care.


There are four options for emergency birth control:

Chance of Pregnancy after Use
Copper Intrauterine Device (IUD)
Within 7 days
Covered with BC Services Card
Within 5 days
Covered with BC Services Card
Plan B
Up to 2.2%
Within 72 hours
Covered with BC Services Card
Up to 3.2%
Within 72 hours (up to 120 hours)

If you are 12-16 days or more from after the first day of your last period, you may have already ovulated (produced an egg) and Ella and Plan B may not work. If you are past this point, an emergency IUD may be a better choice for you.

If you have been a victim of sexual assault or rape, emergency birth control can be an important part of your care. Please also seek medical attention to make sure the rest of your health needs are taken care of. Information on how to get care can be found on the BC Women’s Hospital website.

About Us

Willow Reproductive Health Centre is committed to delivering compassionate, inclusive, and high-quality reproductive health care, ensuring every patient feels respected, safe, and supported. 


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