Contraceptive Implants – Willow Clinic

Contraceptive Implants

At Willow Clinic we are booking appointments for insertions, switches and removals of contraceptive implants. Please call our office if you would like any of these services.

What is a contraceptive implant?

The etonogestrel subdermal implant is a highly effective, low hormone, long acting reversible contraceptive. It has been used by millions of people all over the world. The type of implant available in Canada is called Nexplanon. It is a small 4 cm x 2 mm flexible rod inserted under the skin of your arm. It releases a progestin hormone called etonogestrel and does not contain any estrogen. Inserting it is similar to getting your ear pierced but with a local anaesthetic.

How does it work?

The hormone etonogestrel prevents ovulation (when the egg is released from the ovary). It also thins your menstrual lining and thickens the mucus in the cervix (or door to your uterus) to block sperm from getting in.

How well does the implant work compared to other contraceptives?

If 2000 people use it for one year, we expect 1 to get pregnant. It is as effective as surgical sterilization (vasectomy for men or getting your tubes tied for women).

How do implants compare to the pill?

Most birth control pills (as well as the patches and rings) have a combination of estrogen and progesterone. Some people can’t use birth control with estrogen because they have conditions that can increase their risk of blood clots and some people don’t like the side effects they have with estrogen. There are progestin-only pills also however, more people tend to stop using these than the implant for hormonal side effects, and because the implant is more effective and much more convenient.

How do implants compare to IUDs?

Copper IUDs have no hormone and periods get heavier and crampier. The hormonal IUDs have similar progestin-only hormone in them and similar hormonal side effects. IUDs work by changing the lining of the uterus but do not change the natural hormone cycle or ovulation, while implants prevent ovulation. The implant is inserted into your arm through your skin, while the IUD is inserted into your uterus through your vagina, which can be more uncomfortable for some patients.

What is it like to get an implant inserted?

The doctor will inject a small amount of local anesthetic (freezing) in your skin of the inside of your upper arm before inserting the rod. We will place a bandage and wrap on your arm. There may be some bruising after insertion that should disappear quickly. The implant takes 7 days to work so you should use another form of contraception until then.

What is it like to get an implant removed?

The doctor will inject a small amount of local anesthetic (freezing) around the rod before removing it. We will then make a tiny incision to push the rod through. We will then bandage and wrap your arm. Your fertility wil return 1 week after removal.

Click below or call 604-709-5611 to schedule your appointment.  

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Willow Reproductive Health Centre is committed to delivering compassionate, inclusive, and high-quality reproductive health care, ensuring every patient feels respected, safe, and supported.

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