For Health Care Professional – Willow Clinic

Health Care Provider Information

If you would like to refer a patient to Willow please fax your referral to 604-251-8842 and we will contact your patient directly. Thank you!

Services we provide:

  •  Medical Abortion: We provide medical abortions to our patients in person or at a distance, 24 hour call coverage, post abortion contraceptive care and management of any medical abortion complications for our own patients. If you are providing medical abortion for your patient from anywhere in British Columbia and need assistance with management please contact us through RACE under the ‘Medical Termination of Pregnancy’ specialty or call 1-877-696-2131
  • IUD services – We provide routine or complex insertion and removal services (including stringless IUD removals) with ultrasound guidance, oral or inhaled analgesia and local anaesthetic. 
  • Etonogestrel Subdermal Implant – We provide routine or complex implant removal and insertion services.
  • Vasectomy: We offer a referral only MSP covered vasectomy service.
  • Other services: We also offer medical management of non-viable pregnancies, and endometrial biopsies. Additionally, we provide STI and cervical cancer screening for our current patients.

Learning Opportunities:

If you are interested in training to insert IUDs, implants or learn more about medical abortion we recommend the following:

UBC CPD – Implants and IUDs: Comparing and Inserting Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARC): This program is run by physicians from Willow Clinic and the community. The course will provide you with an opportunity to get hands on experience in workshops with all the LARC options available on the Canadian market.

SOGC Intrauterine Contraception (IUC) Insertion Preceptorship or Extended Release Subdermal Implant Preceptorship Program: These courses offer both online learning and an opportunity to join us in clinic. Once matched with us through the SOGC we will book patients for you who are happy to have a learner to give you an opportunity to practice these skills in the clinic setting.

NAF Medical Abortion Training for Primary Care Providers: This online course was contributed to by Willow physicians and is a comprehensive medical abortion training program which includes information on incorporating medical abortion into your practice, medical abortion regimens, safety considerations and a live session to answer all your questions.

Other Resources We Recommend:

Nexplanon Insertion and Removal videos: Click Here

SOGC Statement on IUD Insretion Pain Management: Statement on Pain Management

About Us

Willow Reproductive Health Centre is committed to delivering compassionate, inclusive, and high-quality reproductive health care, ensuring every patient feels respected, safe, and supported. 


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